Grovefest (10/4/2014)

Regardless of the fact that Macklind Days was just a few days ago, allow me to be the first to say I can't be caught sitting on my hands. My approach to getting out in the 'public eye' as much as possible is in full effect--being that I couldn't as much when Onetime was just a 'side hustle'... 

SO, I just want to announce that I'll be at Grovefest--working my tail off. Meeting people, getting the good word out, and getting some fresh air--so you're more then welcome to come shoot the sh*t with me if you're free. 

Grovefest // October 4, 2014 // 2-10pm // Rain or Shine
On Manchester Ave. between Tower Grove and Sarah.


On being "Googlable"


Macklind Days (9/27/2014)