Spotlight// Urban Matter

Urban Matter// Dutchtown (St. Louis, Mo.)

Urban Matter// Dutchtown (St. Louis, Mo.)

My take on Urban Matter is one of those "nice things" stores that offers a varying catalogue of products to scarves, pillows, bowls, watches, bespoke lighting fixtures, and furniture. You'll get easily taken away by it's whimsical charm and warming home feel. I met the owners Amy and Mary when they came into my space and gandered my wares before we began speaking about what it is I do and what it is that they do. They mentioned their space in Dutchtown down on Virginia (near Itaska) and I vowed to return the favor for them visiting my space. Not to mention they now carry the Strong Towns tee shirts in their space as well. I encourage everyone to go visit their space and come back to tell me what you bought--because I know for a fact it'll be hard not to.

Website: Urban Matter

Urban Matter
4704 Virginia Ave.
St. Louis, Mo. 63111

Wed - Thus:  11am - 6pm
Fri: 11am - 7pm
Sat: 10am - 5pm


Client Work// S&M Automotive


OSC// Southampton Open House