MuchAbout Merchandizing

I get complements all the time on my store: in regards to it’s structuring and layout. From my old 2014 store to my more recent (smaller) 2019 Eichelberger location. I would like to take the credit for just having an “eye” for design, but I have to admit that much of it comes from studying. I’ve never attended a collegiate school or course for business, print making, design, sales, or merchandizing — I simply pay attention.

For instance, I found these old photos in my phone of one of the gift shops in Montana during my visit. The layering and multiplicity of the product (mostly Pendleton items and some instate tchotchke products and display items) really impressed me. I have to say, I do spend a lot of time studying the layout of these simple stores when I travel, but it just be the style “old world” style that attracts me more. Who knows. All in all, practice and study your craft and you’ll become better at it. I promise.


OSC// Self Care


Robert Indiana